Wednesday, December 30, 2009


So it's no secret by now to Chicagoland that we, Model Stranger, are headlining the famous Elbo Room tomorrow night for New Year's Eve. Anyone lucky enough to attend (we mean you!) will be helping us kick 2009 in the ass and send it on its way and help us extend our hand to 2010 and say, “Nice to meet ya. Treat us right.”

If you're planning on being in Chicago for NYE and you still haven't taken advantage of the cheaper package online by order in advance (8pm-1pm OPEN BAR, champagne, party favors, US, etc) then you better do so right this second by following this link. It's okay. We'll wait!

So every year, Richard Milne of 93.1FM WXRT in Chicago does a “Local Christmas” show which basically features a bunch of holiday greetings from local Chicago bands. We've decided to send ours from this year along to all of you for free. It's nothing fancy but it's our wish to all of you. Go ahead and listen to/download it here:

We've also added a new video to “them Internets” (as a friend of our named Toby Jones would say):
It's a performance from this summer's I AM FEST and we think you'll love it. Watch it HERE:
For those of you who missed our big Cubby Bear show last week with Our Lady Peace, we had some awesome photographers take some awesome shots for your enjoyment. See them here:

We'll have a post coming up in another day or two to recap 2009 and preview some exciting things we have on the horizon for 2010!!

Model Stranger
(Stephen Francis, Kevin James, Vincent Joseph)

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Only Place You Should Be On NYE.... at The Elbo Room, drinking shots of Jameson with me.

Or us...but that would ruin the awesome rhyme scheme.

So here's the DEAL folks. Yes, the DEAL. That one, two, three, four capital letters - so you best pay attention.

You have only 2 days left to purchase your tickets in advance to share a magical evening with us. Help us end this year and decade on a positive note (pun unavoidable) and start the next year and decade off right!

If you buy your tickets online now by clicking this link, the price is $60 versus the $75 it will cost at the door. This event has sold out the past 4 years, so get 'em now!

The package includes an OPEN BAR from 8pm-1am. You'll get a champagne toast and party favors as well. There will be a DJ spinning all night upstairs, and downstairs, the set will be as follows:

Dan Tedesco and the Long Haul (9:00pm-11:00pm)

Model Stranger (11:30p-1:30am)

We'll be busting out all sorts of fun covers with our originals too! This is truly your last chance to see Model Stranger this decade!!!

Sample band press kitsQuantcast

Monday, December 14, 2009


Hey Everyone!

So if you didn't know, we're playing The Cubby Bear Thursday, opening for Our Lady Peace with our good friends Bullet Called Life (Facebook Event HERE)!

It's The Q101 Twisted Christmas After Party Show and tickets are just $10 unless you actually went to Twisted Christmas, in which case they're just $5.

The Cubby Bear told us this week that tickets are already close to 70% sold, which means this one looks like it's going to be a sellout!!

That said, GET YOUR TICKETS NOW SO YOU DON'T MISS OUT. It's going to be a huge show for us and we'd love to have you there!

Our set starts at 10:45pm. We were originally scheduled for 10-10:15pm but found out today that all of the sets have been pushed back. Make note of this is you were already planning on coming!

Afterwards, our good friends over at the Elbo Room are throwing us an "After After Party" as Tracy Jordan would say on 30 Rock.

Here's the Deal:
Free Admission and Drink Token (for 1 Bud Lt Draft) at Elbo Room with Cubby Bear Ticket Stub/Stamp on the 17th. 

It’s in the neighborhood and will be a lot of fun, so join us for that as well!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Bye Bye Birdy - A Requiem for Reverie and "So Whats in Store for Model Stranger?"

Bye Bye Birdy - A Requiem for Reverie

2 Year drummer of Reverie, Brad Elliott, commonly referred to as 'Bird' by his closest of friends, left 'the nest' for good on Dec. 2 2009.... Ummmm.

I was going to write this like an obituary but the truth is nothing has died. Brad is alive, his playing is alive, our friendship is alive, and Model Stranger is alive.

Although Brad waited until this week to announce his departure, he had intentions of moving on from this project earlier this fall and stuck around to help Kevin and I out until we found an interim or replacement. This we are grateful for and appreciate. It was a stand up gesture.

The truth is that sharing music temporarily is kind of like a one night stand. Capabilities are attractive features that bring musicians together and eventually, as in relationships... these things go numb. After 2 years, 53 shows, and a whole lot of traveling together, we slowed down and regrouped to make a new record. This is when it was realized that we had different intentions for our futures.

Personal details aside it needs to be known that this doesn't mean that we love each other any less than we did before but to put it simply we realized that we 'want to see other people'. This was an amicable split and we wish Brad the best of luck with his future endeavors and career as a drummer.  I personally started playing with Brad in a different project as early as high school and we have shared the stage more times than most. We have memories that can stack as high as a mountain together and I am glad we had an opportunity to work together on developing Reverie, touring, and contributing to the independent art and music scene.  If you see that man out, slap his ass and buy him a shot of Jameson. And to my dearest -

"You can be a fuck up. You can be a Big Big star"

Walk as you vomit silly.

- Stephen Francis

Model Stranger

So what is in store for Model Stranger?

Model Stranger is alive and well.   Kevin and Stephen have been joined by the very promising and talented drummer,Vincent Joseph, previously of Midnight Vendetta and Tonight the Prom.

Despite posting ads on nearly 20 sites, and sifting through about a dozen candidates, low and behold Model Stranger came to find the right fit for a replacement via...Facebook.

It wasn't until after the initial try out rehearsal that the band was informed of this ironic occurrence.

During a routine promotional push Kevin James requested that a new Facebook friend of his be a fan of 'Model Stranger'. This new friend turned to her boyfriend and exclaimed.... "Why does this band keep asking me to be a fan!?!"

Vincent Joseph sat down at the computer, Googled Model Stranger, and saw that there was a position open.

Vince then contacted Model Stranger, set up a tryout and since has been preparing for his debut as the new drummer of Model Stranger. His first performance will be on Dec.11th @ the Metro in Chicago.

Despite the annoying nature of promotion (on both ends) and incessant bass players that really want you to hear their band, friending your girlfriends on Facebook.... Social networking saves bands everyday and for musicians and music listeners worldwide.

For this we should be thankful.

Model Stranger


Pre-sale tickets for Vincent Joseph's debut are available HERE

Type the promotional code MODEL (use all caps) for a discounted $6 ticket.

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